Become an EMDR Europe accredited therapist
Accreditation is a mark of your competence and trustworthiness as an EMDR therapist. As an accredited therapist, people looking for help can feel confident knowing that you have reached a certain level of experience and expertise and have accountability in place.
Once you have accreditation from EMDR Europe (the overarching body of which the EMDR All-Ireland Association is a member), you can be listed on this website under the ‘Find a Therapist’ feature so that potential clients or referrers can find you.
EMDR therapists can be accredited at 3 levels – Practitioner, Consultant and Trainer. Practitioner and Consultant accreditation details are below. Details on how to become an EMDR Trainer can be found here:
Accreditation as an EMDR Europe Practitioner
Accredited Practitioners are recognised as having demonstrated their competence in the practice of EMDR under the supervision of an EMDR Consultant. They are entitled to have their details listed on the Association’s website.
Practitioner Accreditation Forms: Please download the relevant practitioner accreditation form(s) below
Important Note: EMDR Clinical Consultants/Supervisors have the option of completing the longhand version of the practitioner competency framework in section IV of the Practitioner Accreditation Application Form OR they can complete the Algorithm version of the Practitioner Competency Framework which can be download from this page. It is suggested that the Algorithm version of the Practitioner Competency Framework can also be shared between the supervisor and the applicant and thus used in a formative way while the applicant is preparing for accreditation.
Accreditation fee: €80.00
Re-Accreditation fee: €50.00
Child and Adolescent Accreditation fee: €50.00
Application forms along with supporting documents need to be scanned as one document and must be sent by email to: [email protected]
Accreditation Committee Meetings in 2023:
5th January 2024, 23rd February 2024, 26th April 2024, 21st June 2024, 30th August 2024, 25th October 2024
Electronic papers must be received by email at least 7 working days prior to the meeting. Papers which miss this deadline will be considered at the next meeting. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your application – applications arriving on the day of the deadline will only be circulated to the committee to review and process if they are completely in order. If anything is missing, incorrect or unclear it will be carried over to the next meeting.
Find a EMDR clinical supervisor
To find an Accredited EMDR Consultant to assist you in working toward accreditation please follow this link here and search the map for consultants.
Become an EMDR Europe accredited therapist
Accreditation is a mark of your competence and trustworthiness as an EMDR therapist. As an accredited therapist, people looking for help can feel confident knowing that you have reached a certain level of experience and expertise and have accountability in place.
Once you have accreditation from EMDR Europe (the overarching body of which the EMDR All-Ireland Association is a member), you can be listed on this website under the ‘Find a Therapist’ feature so that potential clients or referrers can find you.
EMDR therapists can be accredited at 3 levels – Practitioner, Consultant and Trainer. Practitioner and Consultant accreditation details are below. Details on how to become an EMDR Trainer can be found here:
Second Reference Consultant Accreditation Application
Important Note:
To facilitate Consultant capacity building within EMDR All-Ireland, a temporary grand-parenting period has been created during which the requirements for Consultant accreditation have been temporarily modified as follows:
Applicants for Consultant accreditation must
i. have been working as an accredited EMDR Europe Practitioner for at least one year.
ii. have conducted a minimum of 100 EMDR sessions since becoming an EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner.
iii. have treated a minimum of 40 clients using EMDR since becoming an EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner.
Accreditation fee: €85.00
Re-accreditation fee: €50.00
Application forms and scanned supporting documents must be sent by email only (in one single document) to: [email protected]
Applicants must provide evidence of CPD event attendance.
Consultants-in-Training Training course
The Association offers training for practitioners who are preparing to become accredited as Consultants. Covered in the Consultants’ Training is a review of the Accreditation Process and Competency Framework, EMDR theory review and teaching the consultation process which is assessed through live practice.
Attendance requires a letter of recommendation from your supervising Consultant
The next Consultants training (in person) will take place in Dublin Part 1 on April 5-7 2024 and Part 2 22-24 November 2024. It is open to accredited practitioners who are ready to begin the journey of training towards becoming an accredited Consultant. Please submit expressions of interest to [email protected]. Details of the Consultant-in-training process will then be emailed to interested applicants.
Consultant-in Training 2025 dates:
Part 1 Friday 14th February 2025 to Sunday 16th February 2025 inclusive
Part 2 Date TBC
Location: Theological Institute Dublin
Accreditation Committee Meetings in 2024
5 January 2024,23 February 2024,26 April 2024,21 June 2024,30 August 2024,25 October 2024
Electronic papers must be received by email at least 7 working days prior to the meeting. Papers which miss this deadline will be considered at the next meeting. Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your application – applications arriving on the day of the deadline will only be circulated to the committee to review and process if they are completely in order. If anything is missing, incorrect or unclear it will be carried over to the next meeting.
EMDR Europe Guidelines for Training Facilitators
EMDR Europe Accredited Consultants with 2 years post-accreditation experience and teaching experience can work towards becoming a Training Facilitator through mentorship with an Accredited EMDR Trainer. Further Guidance can be found below.
Re-Accreditation as a therapist with EMDR Europe
Accreditation with EMDR Europe as a Practitioner or Consultant lasts for five years. You will need to apply for re-accreditation at the end of this period.
If you have a break in your EMDR All-Ireland Association membership of more than three months, e.g. if your membership has lapsed, you must also apply for re-accreditation.
Please read the re-accreditation criteria in the document below.
Re-accreditation criteria
For re-accreditation as an EMDR Practitioner, you will need one reference from an EMDR Accredited Consultant, plus one other professional (clinical supervisor/manager) reference.
For re-accreditation as an EMDR Consultant, you will need references from two EMDR Accredited Consultants, one of whom needs to be able to comment on your clinical work.
As part of the EMDR Consultant 5-year accreditation process, all consultants are required to have completed 200 hours of supervision effective from 1st January 2025.
For re-accreditation as a Consultant who is also accredited as a Child and Adolescent Consultant, you only need to submit one re-accreditation application but one of your Consultant recommendations must be from an Accredited Consultant who works mainly with children and adolescents. Ten of the required twenty five EMDR-specific Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits must be for Child and Adolescent workshops.
(Please note completion by a supervising Consultant who is a close family member will not be accepted.)
Evidence of a minimum of fifty CPD credits, twenty-five of which must be EMDR specific, over the five year period of accreditation is required for Practitioners and Consultants seeking re-accreditation.
Scanned supporting documents must be sent by email only to: [email protected]
Please submit your application as one continuous document
EMDRA All Ireland Re-accreditation Application Form
Applications will be considered through the EMDR All-Ireland Accreditation Committee. If successful the period of renewal will be for a further five-year period.
Re-accreditation fee: €50.00
Accreditation Committee Meetings in 2023:
5th January 2024, 23rd February 2024, 26th April 2024, 21st June 2024, 30th August 2024, 25th October 2024
You should inform the Association where you have serious concerns which you can substantiate.
For re accreditation as an EMDR Practitioner , you will need one reference from an EMDR Accredited Consultant, plus one other professional (clinical supervisor/manager) reference.
For re accreditation as an EMDR Consultant you will need references from two EMDR Accredited Consultants; one of whom needs to be able to comment on your clinical work.
If you have a break in membership of more than 3 months you must reapply for accreditation.
It is your responsibility to keep track of your accreditation. If your membership has lapsed for more than 3 months then you must reapply for accreditation. NB: All members are sent reminders.
It is your responsibility to satisfy your registering body that you have fulfilled the CPD requirements for continuing registration. You can provide this evidence when you apply for reaccreditation.
CPD points are not awarded for supervision, but attendance at a supervision group fulfils one of the criteria for re accreditation and you should make reference to it in your application.
It is expected that you would engage in such activities throughout your period of accreditation but this would be over and above your attendance at CPD events.
We recognise that you may be supervising people who do not wish or are not ready to seek accreditation. Putting people forward for accreditation is not a requirement for re accreditation though we would like you to encourage supervisees to apply for accreditation.
The creation of the role EMDR consultant is not meant as a title to provide status. You are encouraged provide supervision and your lack of provision of supervision may be a factor when considering your reaccreditation. It is explicit that the role of the EMDR Consultant is to provide EMDR clinical supervision.
You should let your supervisee know that you have a duty inform both their registering body and the EMDR Association.
No. Only supervision by an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant is recognised for accreditation (though Peer Supervision can be helpful).
Yes. Group supervision hours are counted in the same way as individual supervision hours.
Ideally a group should consist of no more than 5 participants and should last for around 2 hours. EMDR Consultants need to be able to be sure that they can safely supervise the practice of all of their supervisees. EMDR Consultants need also to be able to gain a clear picture of their supervisee’s practice and to take into account the regularity of attendance of their supervisees at groups.
The guidelines make it clear that in order to fulfil the conditions for accreditation your EMDR consultant must either see a recording of your work OR have seen an in vivo session which satisfies him/her that you are able to utilise the standard protocol.
The guidelines make it clear that in order to fulfil the conditions for accreditation your EMDR consultant must either see a recording of your work OR have seen an in vivo session which satisfies him/her that you are able to utilise the standard protocol.
You need to be able to demonstrate competency in all eight phases of the EMDR protocol: this may be in combination with examples from your video material.
Write to the Association administrator explaining your circumstances. A member of the committee is responsible for considering all mitigating circumstances.The committee will consider mitigating circumstances. It is also advisable that your EMDR Supervisor/consultant writes to the Chair stating their support for the request.
You are required to be a member of the Association to apply for accreditation but do not need to be a member to undertake the training and you can count cases from the point that you complete level 1 of the basic training, provided they have been supervised by a Europe accredited EMDR consultant supervisor.
Please see above. You do not have to be a member of the Association to train or be supervised by an accredited consultant. From Jan 2011 it became compulsory to add additional supervision hours to training. Part 4 provides 10 hours of supervision . Once you have completed all parts of your EMDR basic training you will have accrued 10 hours of supervision which counts towards accreditation. Please note that trainings before that date did not include a supervision element.
Only supervision by a EUROPE Accredited EMDR Consultant can be counted for your application for accreditation.
You can count cases for which you have received supervision by an Accredited EMDR Consultant if that consultant provides written confirmation of the supervision and you include it with your application.
No. Ask your previous supervisor to provide you with written confirmation of the work you have done together and sign off the cases he/she has supervised.