Membership Terms and Conditions

By proceeding you confirm that:

  1. You will maintain your professional registration(s) as above while you offer treatment as an EMDR Therapist.
  2. You do not have a criminal record that would prejudice the interests of the people you offer treatment to.
  3. You have not been dismissed from employment or refused membership of a professional body in a related field on the grounds of professional misconduct.
  4. You agree to inform EMDR All-Ireland Association if you are the subject of a complaint or if there is any change in good standing with your primary accreditation/registration body within 14 days of this arising.
  5. You have adequate indemnity insurance either individually or through your employer. And agree to ensure you remain so covered for as long as you continue to offer treatment as an EMDR Therapist.
  6. You agree to abide by the EMDR Europe Code of Ethics and the EMDR All-Ireland Association Rules and Policies.
  7. You agree to access regular clinical supervision with an accredited EMDR supervisor and to engage in continuous professional development in EMDR.